The Magic Tree

The Magic Tree – i wrote this when i was 8 years old

By Paulomi Mukherjee

Once upon a time there was a girl named Salsi. Salsi was eleven. She longed to be a very clever witch, but her mother always told her, “You know we are witches and wizards. When you grow up you will become one. Now you are too small.” But she didn’t want to wait till she grew up.

Soon it was her father’s birthday. She wanted to give something to her father as a gift. She kept wondering what could be the best gift for him. Then, she heard her father praying for a magic tree. A wish-fulfilling tree. That day, after he left for work, Salsi went to the garden and tried to grow a tree. It suddenly occurred to her that she could make one with her magic powers. She uttered the magic words, “Altimo, Machamo, Feltimo, Halomo,” three times. A tiny bit of root appeared from the ground. She then started repeating the words again and again. She did it all day long. The root sprouted leaves. Then there were little twigs, which began to take the shape of branches. At last there was huge, tall tree in her garden.

On the evening of her father’s birthday they had a grand party. Her father asked her, “Where is your gift Salsi?” Salsi said “Out side in the garden”. “In the garden?” he exclaimed. “Yes in the garden” she replied. She took her father to the garden and her father was surprised “Wow!” he said. He asked Salsi how she grew it. Salsi showed her father how she did it. Her father said, “This is the best gift I have ever got. He decided to make a wish and see if it was truly magical. He asked for a golden flying broom. Lo and Behold! A golden broom appeared. He was beyond himself with joy.

From that day onwards everybody believed in Salsi’s magical powers. She was already a witch and would not have to wait till she was grown up to use her powers.

The End

~ by Paulomi Mukherjee on March 6, 2011.

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